공통 공지

2012년 2학기 아시아지역 파견교환학생 후보자 선발안내~11.25(Guidance for the Selection of Fall 2012 Outgoing Exchange St


2012년 2학기 아시아 지역 외국대학 파견교환학생 후보자를 아래와 같이 선발하고자 하오니, 관심있는 학생들은 적극 신청해주시기 바랍니다.  아울러, 이번 학기 선발은 학생들이 직접 온라인으로 신청함을 알려드립니다.

- 아  래 -

           1. 모집인원 : 11개국 57개교 122명 내외

           2. 지원방법

             가. 온라인 지원: 지원기간 (2011. 11. 21. ~ 2011. 11. 25. 오후 6시) 중  학생이 직접 온라인 지원 후, 최종본 출력

             나. 서류제출: 온라인지원서 출력본과 서울대 성적표(영문)를 2011. 11. 28. 정오까지 국제협력본부에 직접 제출

                ※온라인 지원 및 서류제출을 모두 완료해야 지원이 완료됨.

                ※온라인지원기간 및 서류제출 마감시기를 숙지할 것.

           3. 향후 일정

             가. 온라인지원마감 : 2011. 11. 25.(금) 오후 6시

             나. 서류제출 마감: 2011. 11. 28.(월) 정오

             다. 합격자 (교환학생 후보자) 발표: 2011. 12월 1일

             라. 파견 대학 지원서 발송 : 2011. 12월 ~ 2012. 5월 중

             마. 파견교환학생 출국전 오리엔테이션: 2012년 5월 (변경가능)

             바. 입학허가서 취득: 2012년 2~7월

             사. 파견 : 2012. 6월부터

           4. 기타사항: 학점인정에 관한 사항은 붙임 “외국대학과의 학생교류수학

            및 학점인정에 관한 규정”에 의함

붙  임  1. 2012년 2학기 아시아 지역 파견교환학생 후보자선발 안내문(국문) 1부

        2. 2012년 2학기 아시아 지역 교환학생 파견계획(국문)  1부

        3. 외국대학과의 학생교류수학 및 학점인정에 관한 규정 1부

        4. I-17 대학교 목록

        5. 2012년 2학기 아시아 지역 파견교환학생 후보자선발 안내문(영문) 1부

        6. 2012년 2학기 아시아 지역 교환학생 파견계획(영문) 1부  끝


Application Guideline for SNU Outgoing Student Exchange Program for Fall 2012 Semester (Asia)

The Office of International Affairs(OIA) at SNU is planning to select 122 SNU students to apply for exchange programs with our partner universities in Asia region, for the Fall 2012 semester. 57 partner universities in 11 countries in this region are willing to accept applications from SNU students. Exchange programs are mainly for undergraduate students, but some universities offer exchange programs (usually coursework) for graduate students.  Graduate programs for exchange students may be limited and competitive. SNU would like to select qualifying students and nominate them to partner universities.

1. Eligibility

1-1. for undergraduate student;

a. must be enrolled at SNU and have completed at least two semesters at SNU

b. minimum overall GPA of 2.7

1-2. for graduate student;

a. must be enrolled at SNU and have completed at least one semester at SNU

b. minimum overall GPA of 3.3

1-3. prohibition; those who fall into any of the following categories are not allowed to apply

a. students who have been under university disciplinary action

b. students who have studied at a university abroad through SNU on a faculty or university level student exchange for more than one semester*

c. students who have withdrawn from any of the OIA's previous outgoing exchange programs after being selected

d. students who are required to serve in the army any time during the exchange program

*Outbound exchange program through Office of International Affairs at SNU is possible only once during one's enrollment at SNU.  However, for I-17 universities, an exception rule applies.  If a student has completed one semester's exchange at one of the I-17 universities, the student may apply for one semester's exchange to any available university.  Also, a student who has completed one semester's exchange in any university may also apply for one semester's exchange at one of the I-17 universities. (I-17 is a list of universities where SNU has more incoming exchange students than outgoing exchange students. It includes some universities in South East Asia, Middle East, Central America, etc.  Please see the attachment.)


2. SNU's Selection Criteria

a. The applicant must have an original copies of valid official language test score result(s) which are required by universities that he or she is applying for. 

※ Unofficial copies of language test score results will not be accepted. (Students who took a official language test but have not received the official transcript cannot apply.)

※ For minimum language requirement of each university, please refer to the Attachment "Fall_2012_Asia_Outbound_Exchange_Info_ENG."

※ Language test score must be less than two years by July 2012. (Test date must not be earlier than July 2010.)

b. Applicants who satisfy the minimum language requirement will be selected by overall GPA. 

※ If two students chose same university and have the same overall GPA, the student who has a higher 'total number of credits' on SNU transcript will be selected.  If both overall GPA and total number of credits are same, OIA will use the Statement of Purpose to select candidates.

c. Each Applicant may choose up to three universities listed in the Attachment  "Fall_2012_Asia_Outbound_Exchange_Info_ENG." and rank them in order. SNU will select successful candidates for each university based on applicants' overall GPA.

(That means, for example, if applicant A chooses P University as his 1st choice and applicant B chooses P University as his 3rd choice, where B's GPA is higher than A's, B will be selected for P University.) 

If a student is selected for more than two universities, the student is automatically assigned to his or her university based on preference. 

(For example, if applicant C has chosen Q University (1st choice), R University (2nd choice), and S University (3rd choice), and she has highest GPA among both Q University applicants and R University applicants, she is assigned as a candidate for Q University.)

d. Selected applicants may not apply for any other outgoing student exchange program in the future, including those for other regions for the Fall 2012 semester.

3. How to Apply  You will  need to both a) complete the Online application and b) submit the documents to OIA.

a. Complete the Online Application during the online application period

※ Online Application Period: from 10am, November 21, 2011 to 6pm, November 25, 2011 (Online application system will be closed at 6pm, November 25, 2011)

※ To complete your online application, you will need:

  1) scanned copies of official language test score result(s) required by the universities the student is applying for

※The language test result must be less than 2 years old by July 2012. (The test date should be later than July 2010.)

Unofficial copies of language test score results will not be accepted.

※Both previous version and new version of HSK are acceptable.

※For each university you are applying for, please upload the relevant language test score.  (For example, if the university of your 1st choice and that of your 2nd choice both require TOEFL score, you should upload the same file twice, for each university.)

※If selected, the original copies must be submitted to OIA.

  2) Statement of Purpose.

Please write about your aspirations, plans for the exchange program and specific reasons why you chose this university.

※ Things to Note when completing online application:

1) Once you Submit your application, you cannot modify it.

2) Please carefully read the online application manual, linked on the main page of the online application.

b. Submit Printed Copy of the Online Application and your SNU official transcript (issued after November 1, 2011) to OIA office by November 28, 2011 Noon


4. Nomination of the exchange student

a. If there are still positions available at a partner university after the application period, OIA may recruit additional candidates for that university.

b. OIA will organize the 'outgoing exchange student committee,' select successful candidates and nominate them to the partner (host) universities. (Nominations will be made only once.)  The final decision of admission will be made by the host university.  Being selected and nominated by SNU does not guarantee admission to the partner university's exchange program.

c. If a nominated student receives an offer of admission from the host university, he or she will depart Korea between January and June 2012, depending on the semester schedule of the host university.

d. If a student withdraws from the exchange program at any time after being selected by SNU, he or she will not be allowed to apply for any future outgoing exchange programs at OIA.

5. Period of study

Applicants must choose to study for either one (Fall 2012) or two (Fall 2012 and Spring 2013) semester(s) at host university.

6. Fee

During the exchange program, exchange students must pay tuition at SNU and be enrolled at SNU, while being exempted from paying tuition fee at host universities.  Other expenses, including but not limited to travel, accommodation, health insurance, textbook, passport and visa cost, are the personal responsibility of the student.

7. OIA Scholarship

Among the students who will have been successfully admitted to the host universities, OIA will select students according to their financial status and award them a scholarship.

8. Number of Credits

SNU regulations require that, while studying at a host university, undergraduate exchange students are required to register for at least 6 credits per semester, whereas a graduate exchange students are required to register for at least 3 credits per semester.  Host universities may require exchange students to take a higher number of credits, in which case, students must follow both SNU and the host university's regulation.

9. Transfer of Credits

'SNU Outgoing Exchange Program Credit Transfer Regulations (서울대학교와 외국대학과의 학생교류수학 및 학점인정에 관한 규정)' states the requirements and procedures of the transfer of credits earned at host universities.  The Dean of each College holds authority to decide the transfer of credits.  Regarding credit transfers, please contact the administration office of your College at SNU.

10. Information about partner universities

a. For information about SNU's partner universities, please refer to the attachment “Fall_2012_Asia_Outbound_Exchange_Info_ENG“ and visit the universities' exchange program websites to check for more detailed information regarding eligibility, academic calender, course information, etc.   Please check this information carefully before applying. 

b. Exchange student experience essays from previous outgoing exchange students are available for review on the OIA website (http://oia.snu.ac.kr). 

"Intl Program" -> "For outgoing students" -> "학생수기모음” (collection of students' reports)

11. Important Dates

a. Online application period: from 10am, Nov. 21, 2011 to 6pm, Nov. 25, 2011

b. Deadline of Submitting Documents to OIA: 12:00pm, Nov. 28, 2011

c. ‘Outgoing exchange program committee' meeting: Late November, 2011

d. Announcement of accepted candidates: Dec. 1, 2011

e. Send application to the host university: Dec. 2011 ~ May, 2012

f. Receive Admission Offer from host universities : Feb. ~ Jul., 2012

g. Orientation : May, 2012 (time & venue is TBA)

h. Departure : Jun., 2012 ~

Attachment: 1. Fall_2012_Asia_Outbound_Exchange_Info_EN

2. SNU Exchange Credits Regulations

3. List of I-17 universities