공통 공지

[international students] Semester End Pizza Party(6/15)


Dear international students,

The College of Engineering cordially invites all international students for our traditional semester end party.
As a result of your vote, the semester end party will be held on Thursday, June 15.

As I mentioned earlier, we will have a new format, namely, to meet for one hour of games & fun followed by dinner(dinner starts at 8pm), at building 39, B1-103.

If you haven't indicate your attendance yet,
please indicate your attendance by filling out the RSVP on http://csap.snu.ac.kr/coeemgr/rsvp.php?id=8

The sign-up deadline is Thursday, June 15 at 00:00.

The pizza party begins at 18:30 and all international students are invited.

We hope to see many of you this Thursday!

Best wishes,
Bernhard Egger, Director of International Affairs