세미나 공지사항

[WCU 7차 세미나] Nanoporous Ultra-Low Dielectrics for the Next Generation Semiconductors


1. Title : Nanoporous Ultra-Low Dielectrics for the Next Generation Semiconductors<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


2. Speaker : Prof. Hee-Woo Rhee (Dept. of Chem. & Biomolecular <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Eng., Sogang Univ.)


3. Date : March 22 (Mon), 5:00~6:15 P.M.

4. Venue : Building 302, Room 720


5. Abstract :

With rapid progress of lithography semiconductor industries definitely need ultralow dielectric materials as interlayer insulators for Cu chips. But ITRS roadmap for interconnect has to be changed every year due to delayed development of proper dielectric materials. ITRS 2007 cannot help adjusting the dielectric constant (k) to be 2.3~2.7 for 45 nm device in 2010. To meet this requirement a lot of air bubble (k = 1.0) has to be introduced into the existing low dielectric organosilicate matrices.

However, the introduction of air bubbles inevitably results in reduced mechanical properties of dielectric materials and even big reduction below the ‘rule of mixture’ depending on the size and shape of pores. Therefore, it is critically important to control the size and shape of pores by properly designed pore generating material (porogen).

The pores can be introduced by so called nanotemplating technique which is based on the phase separation of sacrificial organic porogen in an organosilicate low-k matrix. Thus it is critical to control the domain size and shape of pores by controlling the compatibility or reactivity between the porogen and the matrix. In this talk I would like discuss how to control pore size and mechanical properties by controlling the reactivity of porogens. In addition, I would like to compare the effect of molecular structure of the reactive porogens on the mechanical properties and pore size of the nanoporous ultralow dielectric materials.


6.  Educational Background :

1983–1987  Ph.D. The University of Connecticut

1978–1980  M.S. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

1974–1978  B.S. Seoul National University


7. Contact : Prof. Jyongsik Jang (880-8927)