세미나 공지사항

[WCU 8차 세미나] Materials Science Publishing … and how to maximize your success


1. Title : Materials Science Publishing … and how to maximize your success<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


2. Speaker : Dr. Esther Levy

(Consulting Editor for Advanced Materials,

Senior Commissioning Editor for Wiley’s materials, polymers and physics publishing program in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Asia)


3. Date : March 22 (Mon), 4:00 ~ 5:30 P.M.


4. Venue : Room 509, Building 302


5. CV

Since 2002, Editor of Advanced Materials and Advanced Functional Materials

1996, Ph. D. in Physical Organic Chemistry. Cambridge University, UK

1992, B.S.(Honours) in Chemistry at Otago University, New Zealand


6. Abstract :

R&D expenditure has grown apace in South Korea over the past decade. This has had a dramatic effect on research output, most readily measured in terms of research publications. In this seminar, the latest trends in materials science publishing are discussed from the perspective of the Editorial Office of the international peer-reviewed journal Advanced Materials. Particular emphasis is placed on publication behavior in South Korea. Insight is given into the peer review process and publication ethics, and tips are provided on how to maximize your chances of successful publication in your journal of choice.


7. Contact : Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon (880-7150)