열역학 질문이요.
문제푸는데 솔루션도 없고 잘 안풀려서.질문드려요.ㅜ
One kilogram of liquid water is placed in a piston/cylinder device at 25oC and 1 bar.The water is then mechanically compressed , isothermally, to a pressure of 1500bar. Assume that V= constant for the process but use the arithmetic average value.
이게 문제 조건이고, q,w, u , S, H를 구하라는데.;;;
열역학식에 의하면
w= -pdV이니까 일이 0인가요???
근데 mechanically compressed라는 말때문에 헷갈리네요;ㅜㅜ
liquid를 다루려고 하니까 p,v,T상태방정식도 없고;;;
One kilogram of liquid water is placed in a piston/cylinder device at 25oC and 1 bar.The water is then mechanically compressed , isothermally, to a pressure of 1500bar. Assume that V= constant for the process but use the arithmetic average value.
이게 문제 조건이고, q,w, u , S, H를 구하라는데.;;;
열역학식에 의하면
w= -pdV이니까 일이 0인가요???
근데 mechanically compressed라는 말때문에 헷갈리네요;ㅜㅜ
liquid를 다루려고 하니까 p,v,T상태방정식도 없고;;;
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