UNEP의 전문가 세션
얼마전에 UNEP 웹사이트에서 재밌는 것을 발견했습니다.
질문을 올리면 UNEP에서 근무하는 여러 전문가들이 답을 해주는 세션이 있네요.
어제 만 하루동안은 Alberto Calcagno라는 civil engineering expert가 답을 달아주었는데, 그 답변이 여러분들과 공유하면 좋을 듯 하여 창피함을 무릅쓰고 올립니다. 국제기구에 관심이 있어 엔지니어로서 프로젝트를 진행한 경험이 지금에 이르기까지 어떤 영향을 주었는지 물어봤었습니다. (제가 질문한 부분에 대한 문법은... 무시하시길;;)
I'm an undergraduated student and and studying chemical engineering. Currently, I am looking for the way after graduation. I was waiting an order of your session, because it looks like you have similar backgound of mine. I read your work experience as an engineer, and project manager. I wonder how those experiences affect your current occupation. Saying more specifically, which part was more helpful for working as an program coordinator.
Thank you.
Dear Seungje Yoo. Within the context of your question I would say that whatever the initial field of engineering expertise that you start your professional activity with, it is important to progressively widen the scope of interest to encompass all stages of project development from planning to implementation and monitoring and to incorporate a good grasp of project implications in environmental and social terms. While your specific field will help you capturing more easily many of the environmental elements of projects, social aspects are usually more difficult to grasp and dealt with properly by engineers. Ability to deal with inter and trans-disciplinary approaches in project management will help you move towards a successful project management career.
어쩌면 너무 우둔한 질문을 한거였을 수도 있겠네요. 답을 해주신 Alberto Calcagno라는 분도 당연한 말을 해준 것이었을 수도 있겠으나, 분위기를 환기시켜보자는 차원에서 ^^ 참고로 위 세션은 http://www.unep.org/experts/ 에서 진행됩니다.
이번학기 수강신청 모두들 선방하시길-
질문을 올리면 UNEP에서 근무하는 여러 전문가들이 답을 해주는 세션이 있네요.
어제 만 하루동안은 Alberto Calcagno라는 civil engineering expert가 답을 달아주었는데, 그 답변이 여러분들과 공유하면 좋을 듯 하여 창피함을 무릅쓰고 올립니다. 국제기구에 관심이 있어 엔지니어로서 프로젝트를 진행한 경험이 지금에 이르기까지 어떤 영향을 주었는지 물어봤었습니다. (제가 질문한 부분에 대한 문법은... 무시하시길;;)
I'm an undergraduated student and and studying chemical engineering. Currently, I am looking for the way after graduation. I was waiting an order of your session, because it looks like you have similar backgound of mine. I read your work experience as an engineer, and project manager. I wonder how those experiences affect your current occupation. Saying more specifically, which part was more helpful for working as an program coordinator.
Thank you.
Dear Seungje Yoo. Within the context of your question I would say that whatever the initial field of engineering expertise that you start your professional activity with, it is important to progressively widen the scope of interest to encompass all stages of project development from planning to implementation and monitoring and to incorporate a good grasp of project implications in environmental and social terms. While your specific field will help you capturing more easily many of the environmental elements of projects, social aspects are usually more difficult to grasp and dealt with properly by engineers. Ability to deal with inter and trans-disciplinary approaches in project management will help you move towards a successful project management career.
어쩌면 너무 우둔한 질문을 한거였을 수도 있겠네요. 답을 해주신 Alberto Calcagno라는 분도 당연한 말을 해준 것이었을 수도 있겠으나, 분위기를 환기시켜보자는 차원에서 ^^ 참고로 위 세션은 http://www.unep.org/experts/ 에서 진행됩니다.
이번학기 수강신청 모두들 선방하시길-
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