
동경대 공대 일본 정부장학생 박사과정 모집 안내

아래와 같이 일본 정부선발 동경대학교 공과대학 박사과정 장학생 선발을 알려드리오니 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.


지원마감일 : 2008년 10월 20일(월)

지원처 : 공과대학 대외협력실 39동 212호


상세한 정보와 구비서류는 첨부파일을 참고바랍니다.

* 구비서류 추가설명
 - 추천서는 지도교수님 추천서만 제출바랍니다.
 - 영어성적은 토플 외, 토익, 텝스 모두 가능합니다.



Special Graduate Program for students from

The College of Engineering , Seoul National University for 2009


1. The study area must be within a field accepted by one of faculty members of the School of Engineering , the University of Tokyo . http://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/etpage/


2. Qualifications

(1)  Age: Applicant must have been borne after April 2, 1974.

(2) Arrival in : Applicants must be able to leave for and arrive in within the dates set by   the university. (Estimated dates are between October 1 and October 7)


Scholarship will not be awarded in the following cases:


 1: The applicant is an active member of the military or a civilian employed by the military.


 2: The applicant is unable to travel to within the dates set by the receiving university.


 3: The Applicant was a grantee of a Monbukagakusho Scholarship in the past will not be selected unless he/she has had at least three years of research or teaching experience after returning to   his/her home country.


 4: The applicant is already the recipient of a scholarship from an organization (including a governmental organization in his/her country of origin) other than the Monbukagakusho.


 5: The Applicant, consider a “future grantee” and selected as such, is unable to graduate within the pre-set date or unable to fulfill graduation requirements.







문의 : 공대 대외협력실 김희선 (880-8079,  kavkr@snu.ac.kr)