
럿거스 대학 (Rutgers Univ.) 화학과에서 박사후 연구원을 모집



럿거스 대학 (Rutgers Univ.) 화학과에서 박사후 연구원(Post-doc) 모집합니다.


분야 : Synthesis of nanomatrials, Nanomedicine for cancer cell / stem cell study

대상 : 1) 박사학위 소지자

            2) 분자생물학, 세포생물학, 생화학 분야에 연구경험이 있는 자로

                 Nanomedicine 연구경력이 있는

            3) Nanoparticle 합성 optical/physical characterization 경력이 있는자

지원 서류 : 1) CV with publication list   2) Statement of Purpose 3) 추천서 3 (이메일로 보내세요 : Kblee@rutgers.edu )

Website : http://rutchem.rutgers.edu/~kbleeweb




Post-doctoral Opportunities.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Postdoctoral positions are available in the Department of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University. We are looking for highly motivated individuals with a proven research track record and expertise in nanotechnology (e.g. nanomaterial synthesis, micro/nanofabrication, and chemical/physical characterization of nanomaterials/nanostructures) and/or the applications of nanotechnology towards cancer and stem cells. Our group research (http://chem.rutgers.edu/~kbleeweb/ ) is very interdisciplinary and focuses on developing and integrating nanotechnologies and chemical approaches to modulate the genetic elements and signaling pathways in cancer/stem cells for control their specific behaviors such as proliferation, migration, differentiation, and apoptosis. The successful candidates will work in multidisciplinary, interactive environment with chemists, engineers, and biologist.  Qualified individuals should have a Ph.D and experience in the aforementioned nano-related areas or nanomedicone. Interested parties should send (1) a statement of purpose and (2) CV including publications and three references via e-mail to: kblee(at)rutgers.edu