
서울 암웨이코리아 본사 VOC Scientist/Safety Scientist 구인 공고


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두 개의 포지션 진행 중으로 두 포지션 모두 암웨이 코리아라는 기업이고

포지션 내용은 아래와 같습니다.

지원할 의향이 있으시면 첨부된 영문이력서 업데이트하여

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1.기업 : ()Amway Korea

작년 말 기준 총 매출액 10조원/사원수 400여명

관련 기사http://blog.daum.net/roamer00/8705591


2.포지션: Safety Scientist(신입~5년차)

              VOC Scientist(2~5년차)

3.근무지: 서울 암웨이코리아 본사


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5.연봉: 협의가능.(연봉과 복리후생이 좋음)


[VOC Scientist]

영양제/식품/화장품 등 Claim 분석 및 성분분석

Chemical 쪽 전공 우대/유해성평가 test 경험 우대

QA 와 커뮤니케이션 多/영어가능자


1) Principle duties and Responsibilities

- Analysis and reporting of issue 30%

- Communication with AKL(암웨이본사) & ANA(암웨이관계사 ABG North   

Asia) 30%

- Response and control of situation 20%

- Compliance with food, chemical and etc 20%


2) Brief description for position

- Managing the technical issue for all part of Amway

- An accurate analysis for issues and responds to them

- Coordinate the work of issue and communicate them to the persons  


- Operating Compliance Risk Management and respond crisis




- Bachelor or master's degree

- Majored in food technology, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, natural science

- Good communication skill in English and Korean

- QA related experience of 2yrs and above


[Safety Scientist]

유해성 평가 test 경험 필수

임원보고 및 미국본사 Report _ppt능력 우수/영어능통

VOC Scientist 와 커뮤니케이션 多


1) Principle duties and Responsibilities

- Risk assessment and evaluation            30%

- Response and control of safety risk       15%

- Safety study for HFF registration             15%

- Compliance with the law for chemicals   20%

- Registration, authorisation of chemicals 20%

2) Brief description for position

- Analyzing the safety issue for all part of Amway

- Coordinate safety study with Reserch intelligence department

- Technical regulatory work for chemicals



- master's degree

- special subject :chemistry, natural sciences and engineering

- requirement : : two or more years of risk assessment experience  

preferred ability to search hazard chemicals and generate

position letter of Amway (registration, evaluation,

authorization & restriction of chemicals)

               good at written/verval presentation in korean & English

- personality : honest, analytical, smart and warm


커리어케어  Consultant : 조 민 정 선임

  국내 최고의 대형 서치펌(컨설턴트80여명, 부동의 M/S 1, 8개 전문팀, 리서치.CEO센터 운용)

Tel : 02)2286-3943 / Mobile : 010-6639-5113 / Fax :02)6008-3980

Homepage : http://www.careercare.co.kr

E-mail : jungcm@careercare.co.kr

주소 : 서울시 강남구 삼성동 154-7 C&H빌딩6 ()130-090