
한국페링제약(주) - 채용공고(~7/15)


FERRING Info<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Ferring Pharmaceuticals Korea Co., Ltd. Is the Korean subsidiary of Ferring BV, a privately owned European based pharmaceutical company, specializing in peptide hormones, particularly Urology, Obstetrics, Infertility and Chronic bowel diseases.

Our company is seeking for enthusiastic talents with enterprising spirit that share Ferring <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Korea’s vision and aspiration.


[Position Title]

- Marketing Product manager (Urology, Obstetrics)


[Main tasks and Responsibilities]

-      To carry out annual marketing planning.

-      To analyse market trends and needs.

-      To carry out promotionall activities and participate in local / overseas congresses and a symposia.

-      To provide training to the Medical Representatives on a regular basis.

-      To review medical journals and literature and select information for marketing use.

-      To review and update the marketing report, competitors and market situation.

-      To build the marketing strategies.


[Required competencies]

-      Innovation Management

-      Planning

-      Organizing

-      Customer Focus

-      Strategic Agility



- Bachelor’s degree

- Pharmacist/ nursing/ Pharmacy/ Biology/ Genetic technology major preferred

- 0~5 years of experience preferred

- Effective written and verbal English communication skills
- Interpersonal, decision-making and issue resolution skills are required


[Place of work]

- Seoul


[Selection Method]

- 1: 서류전형 - 2: 실무진 면접 -3: 임원 면접

※ 서류전형 합격자에 한해 면접일자는 추후 개별 통지


[Required Documents]

- /영문 이력서(자유양식), 자기소개서, 경력기술서(경력사원에 한함) 1

(MS word로 작성하고 제목에 지원자 이름과 지원부분 표기)

제출한 서류는 일체 반환하지 않음


[Submission deadline]  2013 7  15

[Submission Method] 이메일 접수 (recruitfkr@ferring.com)

[Inquiry] 02-530-7511 , 인사부 김소희, www.ferring.co.kr