
WorldQuant(미국계 헤지펀드사) 채용설명회(11/26)


WorldQuant is a private institutional investment management complex consisting of an international team of researchers and technologists who constantly work toward even greater quantification and automation in the development of its processes.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


All interested candidates are invited to attend our company presentations:






Seoul National University


Room 102, Building 301


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)


Room 103, Creative Learning Building(E11)

Note: Company presentation schedule is subject to change. Please check with the university career center before you attend the presentation.


WorldQuant는 국제적인 연구원들과 기술자들로 만들어진 기관 투자 관리 회사로서 지속적으로 투자 활동의 수량화와 자동화를 실현해 나아가고 있습니다.


관심 있는 지원자분들을 자사의 다음 채용 설명회로 초청합니다:








301동 102





103호 강의실


참고: 채용 설명회 일정이 유동적이오니 참석하기 전에 해당 대학교 취업 지원 기관에서 일정을 확인하기 바랍니다.


QR Code : http://dware3.intojob.co.kr/WorldQuant.html

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1. Quantitative Developer (in Seoul, South Korea)


WorldQuant is a private institutional investment management complex consisting of an international team of researchers and technologists who constantly work toward ever greater quantification and automation in the development of processes.

WorldQuant Research (South Korea) LLC, South Korea Branch. is seeking a Quantitative Developer to join its team. This position will require an individual who can creatively develop new frameworks to search and discover new alphas and datasets.


Job Responsibilities (include, but not limited to the following):

  • Create computer programs and scripts in connection with financial market  and other open fields that can contribute to alpha signals
  • Create new data sets using advanced techniques and deep research


Job Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher from a top university in Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering, or equivalent experience in programming
  • Having at least 2-3 years of experience in commercial software development is a plus.
  • Possess core technical skills, including the following:
    • Python (required)
    • C/C++ (required)
    • UNIX/Linux (required)
    • Database Administration/Programming (desirable)
    • Knowledge/experience on machine learning algorithms (desirable)

  • Have experience in team programming with version control system(svn or git)
  • Be dedicated and self-disciplined with a strong work ethic and be willing to help others
  • Be proactive and possess good communication skills within a team environment
  • Have a good command of written and spoken English


Positions based in Seoul, South Korea.

Interested and qualified candidates please email your current CV (or any questions) in ENGLISH with “Application for Quantitative Developer” in the subject line to WQKoreajobs@worldquant.com


WorldQuant is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation or preference, age, marital status, citizenship, national origin, disability, military status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or any other protected characteristic as established by applicable law.






2. Quantitative Researcher 

WorldQuant is a private institutional investment management complex consisting of an international team of researchers and technologists who constantly work toward even greater quantification and automation in the development of its processes.



Job Responsibilities (include, but not limited to the following):

We are seeking mathematics, computer science, physics and engineering majors for quantitative researcher position involving the creation of computer-based models that seek to predict the movements of worldwide financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge of financial markets, but must have a strong interest in learning about stock markets and financial markets. Our highly accomplished senior staff will provide the new hires with mentoring and guidance to help them succeed.


We offer outstanding career opportunities, which include:

§ Competitive financial rewards, relative to performance and position

§ Friendly and collegial working environment

§ Opportunity for promotion to Vice President in 2 to 4 years

§ Rare opportunity to learn from investment experts 


Job Qualifications:

§  Ph.D. or M.S. degree from a leading South Korea university and B.S. degree from a top university in South Korea, US  (or from other leading universities in the world) in a highly analytical field, such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Financial Engineering or any other related field that is highly analytical and quantitative

§  Ranked as top 20% in class for bachelor's degree

§  Willing to relocate to one of our international research offices

§  Have a research scientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, creative, persevering, smart, a self-starter, etc.

§  Be competent in a programming language (C++ or C)

§  Possess good English language skills

§  Have a strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets

§  Have a strong work ethic

Position will be based in our research office in Seoul. Successful candidates might need to start in research subsidiaries in Beijing or Shanghai, China for their first few months with WorldQuant.

Interested and qualified candidates please email your current CV (or any questions) in ENGLISH and local language to WQKoreajobs@worldquant.com.

WorldQuant is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation or preference, age, marital status,citizenship, national origin, disability, military status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or any other protected characteristic as established by applicable law.





2. 퀀트 연구원


WorldQuant는 국제적인 연구원들과 기술자들로 만들어진 기관 투자 관리 회사로서 지속적으로 투자 활동의 수량화와 자동화를 실현해 나아가고 있습니다.


직무 혜택(다음을 포함하지만, 그에 국한되지 않습니다.):

전세계 금융시장의 움직임을 분석, 예측하기 위한 컴퓨터 모델을 만들기 위해 수학, 컴퓨터 공학, 물리학, 공학 등을 전공한 연구원들을 찾고 있습니다. 금융 시장에 대한 사전 이해가 필수 요건은 아니지만 주식과 금융 시장에 대해 강한 관심과 배우려는 의지가 필요합니다. 새로운 연구원들을 위해 성공적인 선임들의 지도와 멘토링을 제공합니다.


다음과 같은 뛰어난 혜택을 제공합니다.

       담당 직무와 업무 성과에 따른 업계 최고 수준의 금전적 보상

       자유로운 연구와 자발적 협력이 가능한 근무환경

       2~4년 이내에 vice president로 승진할 수 있는 기회

       투자 전문가들에게 배울 수 있는 기회.


자격 요건:

       수학, 컴퓨터 공학, 물리학, 전자 공학, 금융 공학 혹은 다른 모든 계량적이며 분석적인 분야의 전공자로서 한국 최고의 대학에서 석사 혹은 박사학위를 취득하셨거나 한국, 미국의 최고 대학 (또는 다른 세계적으로 인정받는 최고의 대학) 에서 학사 학위를 취득하신 분.

       학부 성적 상위 20% 이내.

       해외 연구센터에서 근무 가능할 것.

       연구 과학자로서의 마인드를 가진 분. 깊은 사고능력을 가지고 있으며, 창의적이며, 추진력 있고, 명석하며 스스로 동기 부여가 가능하신 분

       프로그램 언어에 능숙하신 분(C++ or C)

       영어에 능숙하신 분

       전세계 금융 시장에 대해 관심과 배울 의지가 있을 것.

       프로페셔널한 직업 윤리를 가지신 분.


합격하신 분들은 서울 지사에서 일하게 될 예정입니다. 성공적인 합격자들은 북경이나 상해 등 중국 WorldQuant지사에서 처음 몇 달 정도 연수 받을 수 있습니다


관심 있으신 분들은 영문 이력서와 모국어로 작성된 이력서WQKoreajobs@worldquant.com로 보내주시기 바랍니다


WorldQuant 인종과 종교, 지역, 성별, 성적 성향, 나이, 결혼여부, 국적, 장애, 군필 여부, 유전 질환을 포함한 법에 명시 되어 있는 어떠한 요건에 대해서도 차별을 하지 않으며 동등한 채용 기회를 제공합니다.